The Social Network?? lol..

I went and saw the movie last night. Kind of crazy that someone is actually playing me in a movie! The movie definitely brought back some great made me miss my college years that's for sure! (I feel soooo old) lol (: -- I guess you could say the movie is "based on a true story" but there are many scenarios that were soooo made up by Hollywood! As far as the two scenes I'm in, the first one is fairly accurate, we did "break-up" over dinner, I do remember him ripping on my school (that wasn't the first time)...but the second scene of me at dinner with my friends blowing Mark off never happened. (also he NEVER friended me on Facebook) lol! (:

1 comment:

  1. hi
    i think he deservs a beu like u!
    why u didnt patched up with him?
    he is having a GF rit now but,

    i dont think he will forget u throught his life.
